At the end of 2023 the Company employed 7,741 HC, of which 1,332 white collars (17%) and 6,409 blue collars (83%). The Company approaches the highest segment of the market thanks to: technological know-how, product innovation, commercial leadership
Flexible working hours, training, team building, special events to improve our employees’ quality of life
The Company contributes to the expenses of scholarship for employees’ children and provides specific allowances for events like childbirth, marriage, maternity and familiar death. It also provides a specific advantageous loan conditions program against unforeseen expenses
The Company organizes for its employees activities related to free time such as Open Days and the participation to sport days like for example Deejay Ten in Milan and Pilates courses
And others...
With “The Zero Accidents Target” Prometeon Tyre Group believes that leaders play a strategic role in risk prevention. Their behavior must therefore be an example for all employees. This aim is pursued through investments to technically improve work conditions, while insisting on the cultural and behavioral aspect of all Company players
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Sustainalytics has assessed the Group’s standards in ESG terms: third-ranked in 2022 at a worldwide level in the sector. Sustainability governance strengthened at a global level. New targets for 2030 for the reduction of the environmental impact on the entire value chain: production and sales.
The first part of the analysis by the ESG rating agency has ended. The sustainable policies adopted by the Group are crucial for managing the 350 million Euro sustainability-linked loan. Prometeon continues in its efforts to improve sustainability, with investments in Turkey, Egypt and Italy.